Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Back to Center.... a Reflection of "Patriot" Day

I.. like so many others..have spent a great deal of time this morning thinking about 9/11/01.. it is hard not to with every major news channel airing the videos of that day..

9/11/01 is a date forever etched in the memories of so many Americans.. but even more than this "date".. I have reflected on the days that followed.
To me.. these days hold a set of more "nostalgic" memories...
Maybe I reflect more today because as I sit here and type.. I feel the God given miracle moving and kicking within me... and I cannot help but think about what our nation.. our world.. will look like and be like for her? Like most parents.. I am understandably concerned.

Going back into the recesses of my mind..I vividly remember sitting in my office of the time, and getting the news that a plane had hit a tower in New York...
Quickly.. the oddity and shock of this horrific event spread and before I knew it.. I was sitting on the floor watching a portable tv as news of more planes crashing streamed across the airwaves... and I remember watching the Twin Towers fall.. over and over.
My heart broke for so many.. and immediately.. I wanted to go. At that time in my life.. I admit that I was living in and of the world.. and I like many other 20-somethings.. had dreamed of moving to New York City and climbing a corporate ladder in the midst of the "ultimate urban lifestyle"..but this was a different stirring to be there. I just wanted to help.. somehow !.. I questioned my choices and the career I was in, and even thought.. "I should go to medical school. I need to be able to help!"
Even then.. I can see where my heart was geared to that of missions.. where God had placed the strong desire in me to help others and be someone that is a "below radar get it done go to person".. most recently, this was best described as being in "air traffic control".. not a job.. but ministry...  
With all of these random things circling in my mind.. suddenly fear started driving my thoughts and I contacted all of my loved ones that I could reach.. just to hear their voices..and wondered like so many.. where else COULD and WOULD this be happening? HOW was this happening here.. in our country?

That was a moment in time.. 12 years ago today. The day after my 26th birthday.

There are several poignant times in my memory that I have felt the nearly indescribable "feeling" that I did that day... and honestly..there are days in my history that have far worse memories associated with those "type" of feelings.

The days that followed 9/11/01 were filled with fear.. anger.. a wide range of emotions... but ultimately what emerged was far greater...From the ashes emerged a feeling of patriotism. A sense of unity and solemn reconsideration of priorities..
The realization hit that something was terribly wrong in the lives of so many because mortality had just been blatantly thrown in all of our faces..  in our own back yard.

..There were historical numbers of people who attended church in the weeks that followed...the nation united as one Under God...there were patriotic parades and a strong feeling of love and compassion for our fellow man..
It was a time when there was a vivid realization of the importance of God and family...and people evaluated how they spent their time and made adjustments to spend time on what and with Who mattered most. I have never been prouder to be an American than during that time.. what has happened to us 12 years later???
...back was said that in time.. we would IN FACT "forget"..
I remember being heart broken at the thought..but understood the reality that it would likely happen..that we would all get wrapped up once again in our own little worlds..we would lose sight of what matters most..
I didnt want that for anyone.. including myself. But with time and life.. the priorities once again shifted..for me, it took 5 years of "forgetting" and making bad choices for God to get my attention..Thankfully.. at 31.. I listened.. repented.. obeyed and have never looked back.

Today.. I watch the news..I have paid attention to the events happening in our world..and sadly as predicted.. looking at the state of our country...rather than be humbled and thankful for our many MANY blessings..we have become even more of a nation that tolerates and allows SO much that goes against God and His Word....that goes against all that our forefathers established this country on...
We, like so many others, are a nation that allows even more corruption in every area...on every level...we are run by a government that is dominated by the pure desire for political gain..where more of our leaders actually seem to take pride in striving to outwit the "other guy" no matter the cost. Our country represents that of a chess match, where materialism and greediness reign.. the chess match is constant and stands out in priority more than a country that stands up for our own..for what is right..and just..
like taking care of our servicemen and their families for example...
Our nation seems to strive to take God out of everything and everywhere..
Our priorities... they are far more off center than I could have ever imagined seeing in my life... not that I knew what to expect.. but the pace at which the spiral is happening is mind-boggling. It is in fact biblical.

I'm not saying we are "all" of the mindset that our country now seems to represent.. most of you reading this probably even share my same views...

And please.. do not get me wrong..I WANT and look forward to the day when Jesus comes back..I am tired of all the sickness..evil and loss...where the Godly man and woman are persecuted more and more..where we struggle with everyday life and endure loss that makes no sense...and we watch as the bad guy succeeds in the world.. is the way of the world..and while we are here...we should all stop and reflect on our blessings and thank GOD above for giving us each the opportunity to make a difference in this broken world.  We should not walk in fear... we should be walking in victory and seeking God more than ever! He has given us each the chance to literally change the day at a time. He created us for more. So why arent we standing strong for what is right.. loud and strong?!
Those that are on the other side are in no way quiet about what they want and what they believe "they deserve"..

Let it be understood.. I am more hopeful than discouraged. My HOPE is in God alone.
My faith is strong....not weak. In those moments when I do feel weak...God is my strength..He is my strength in all things.. every day... and I do not know how anyone "does life" without Christ
or why they would want to?! Maybe...they just do not know Him..and it is our God given duty to introduce them to our Savior!

 I pray that everyone takes a moment today and reflects on life..this wonderful amazing miracle in time that God created us for... that we do in fact realize the brevity of it..
that we Praise God from whom all blessings flow...and that this reflection makes us refocus on what matters most and that we ask Him what it is HE wants us to do.. in our lives.. in our families.. in our our country.. in our world..
The Godly.. those who strive to live as He has laid out for us in the Bible.. we have to stand up for what is right and fight for what really matters.
Life is short.
Let's get back to center folks and not depend on horrific tragedies to shake us to the point that we stop.. look... and actually pay attention.
Let's prioritize..
Let's make change NOW.
#1 God.
#2 Spouse
#3 Family
...and then all else..

Have a blessed day and may God forgive us all for losing sight of why HE created us to live in this place.. in this moment in time..
may He give us strength and wisdom to pursue righteousness for His glory! Let us not grow weary...
He will not bless America if we do NOT get back to center..
Center.. being HIM.

Friday, May 3, 2013

A hummingbird MUST stop and perch.

Wendra 'Hummingbird's Joy' Canvas Art
yep.. I get it now.
my vision is clearing a bit...
I AM a hummingbird.
that is what I said... I am a hummingbird.
A doctor even technically "diagnosed" me as such this very week as we discussed life.. faith.. how some people are "geared"....
me, I am geared like a hummingbird. I actually consider this to be a compliment because I find hummingbirds to be absolutely fascinating.. I LOVE them. They simply amaze me.
I used to call myself a "bumble bee"... but really, they fly entirely too slow.. and seem to be more laid back as they slowly float from flower to flower.
No.. I am a hummingbird,. all to often I find myself going in 10 directions at once.. even upside down at times it seems...
You see... the hummingbird .. and birds in general...hold a great deal of significance in my life, and when the analogy was made that I was in fact very much like "this" amazing little bird... suddenly, it was as if my eyes were opened a bit more to who I am as a child of God.. to where He has me/us in life right now.

God has NEVER forsaken us.. NEVER. His word says He never will leave us or forsake us.. and I believe this with everything in me because it is FACT. TRUTH.
(Deuteronomy 31:6)
We KNOW God has been and continues to move in our lives in so many ways.. miraculous ways..

The last 6 months have been a roller coaster of life change. We left all that we knew..we had to leave our home "nest" and those many many people that hold such a huge place in our hearts....

...With this move... I had to relinquish my duties at our home church... where I was changed forever by the joyful weight-lifting surrender of my life to Jesus back in 2006..where I met my wonderful hubby on a mission trip in 2007..and where God had been preparing me to "work" in various aspects of ministry.. 
I was SO completely blessed to be a part of an incredible move of God with an anointed - loving group of people/staff/family at  Craig and I are eternally connected to our church family.. We are family. period.
During my tenure at was a time where my daily life was organized in my mind (the night before and as soon as I opened my eyes..).. and on paper (by way of a day timer), and... just for safe measure.. on my google calendar... but always with the anticipation of the possible "unexpected needs" remaining as much a part of my organization... It is how I have always worked.. in any "job".. I had very set routines established.. for both home and in ministry. Most days.. I knew the basis of what needed to be done and what to expect... but was always in a state of thinking ahead and buzzing around here and there trying to make sure all that had been set out for me and those self-imposed goals were accomplished. I did have to learn that some things will actually still be there tomorrow to do :) Slowing down."perching" doesn't seem to come naturally to me, making me an odd hummingbird..
But you get the picture. I am that type of personality and honestly, I was taught a great deal more on how to manage time and energy better while serving under the incredible leadership of the Franks.
Anyhow. is safe to say that my life seems to be at most peace in a world of lists..the "today list".. "tomorrow list".. and so on.. with the ability to maneuver as needed (aka flying in various focused directions).. in those moments of organized chaos. (if that isn't a contradiction of terms.. I don't know what is... but SO many of you understand this... "you get me"!) aka: A.D.H.D. / O.C.D.  its fine. I accept it. I embrace it. Afterall.. God created me this way!
Let me make this side note.... those lists.. if there are comprised of tasks that I enjoy and they are pleasantly challenging.. they are fantastically satisfying and much easier to complete... but the lists of things I wish to avoid.. well.. they are much harder for me to focus on..(hence.. flying backwards and then in 10 different directions with subconscience focus on avoidance..) Yes.. I have that "fight or flight" challenge too. This is also a trait that God has made improvement on in my life.
Needless to say... life since this move has been a major adjustment ... and it has included lots of lists of things that have been like trying to fly through a hurricane to accomplish...(I am still adjusting and still trudging through some of those lists...But with God's strength.. THEY WILL GET DONE!)
And.. in recent months I have found that I still have to make lists...even being at home... and that is OK. Without them... I quite honestly fly in circles. (i.e. - walk in the kitchen with a specific goal in mind, only to end up doing 5 other things before remembering my original "goal" or I can simply avoid the "unpleasant list" by doing 10 other things..even though I HATE to have anything hanging over my head..un-done.. procrastination.)
(yet another contradiction.. I know.)

So.. Here we are.
Even after nearly 6 months..we still feel that we are in uncharted territory..(probably me more than Craig..)..
we moved from our little "sand-globe" island..that destinastion of palm trees, white sand and blue-green surf.. the beautiful coastal community that is full of diversity and throughout the year.. an ever changing cultural melting pot..but more importantly..a place where we were intertwined with our church and community closely.. where the majority of our family was within an hours drive.. a place we called HOME.. (insert song "Sweet Home Alabama" )
and it is a FACT that this is a place where many long to move TO.. ,
we moved from there to a place that (based on a lot of conversations with locals..) seems to be where people move FROM... OR.. they were born and raised here OR they have been here for many many MANY years and everyone knows everyone and everyone has there very tight knit groups. The land of tall trees, bayous and rivers whose names are hard to pronounce..,crawfish and crappie. (a crappie IS a fish.. for the record.) Literally... our front yard has a new landscape everyday with little crawfish mud mountains.. It kinda freaks me out.. a little?!
We are talking night and day differences between here and Orange Beach... Of course.. there are night and day differences between Orange Beach and Foley, AL.. a 15 min. drive apart
:) People move to Orange Beach all of the time... people do NOT move to North Louisiana.. atleast not very often...People are protective of their homeland..I believe it is that way no matter where you go.
I have come to find it most amusing to tell local people where we are from in passing conversation (that is sometimes spurred by the giving of my area code.. or from wearing a tshirt or hat from a coastal hangout..)
 "yea.. we just recently moved here.. from where you ask... from Orange Beach AL.".
This is always followed by one of two dramatic reactions with facial expressions to match....(I will not elaborate on the comments made in regards to college football. Roll Tide.)
No.. the usual response is:
1. WHY!?!?!
2. You moved HERE from there?!?.. and then always followed by the "WHY?!" (facial expression then turns from shock.. to a look of sadness with a head tilt..)

WHY you ask? Because God wanted us to. He lined it up like a truly miraculous way.. in EVERY way... just as I prayed that He would if it was HIS will.. He provided work. That is why. Consistent - stable work for a Christian owned company with wonderful Godly-family focused people..
Best described as an ABSOLUTE blessing and an ANSWER to years of prayer...
It came down to this... I more than my hubby.. had to be willing to let go. Leave the nest.
His line of work just was not available back home.. (although my husband worked his back-end off doing anything he could to provide for us).. and no matter what. God always provided- even though it usually NEVER made sense on paper.
But the struggles and stress had to stop.. it was not fair to him or his health...
My husband is incredibly intelligent..(brilliant in every way truthfully).. hard-working.. honest..(good-looking goes without saying).. trust-worthy... Godly.. a man of integrity...the best friend anyone could ever hope to have... my husband is a blessing to anyone who has the honor of coming to know him. Honestly..I admit that he is a lot like my Daddy - which is a great thing :) I am blessed.
His abilities..the way his mind works.. it amazes me..he IS brilliant.
But he deserved better.. and through much prayer and walking through difficulties in pure faith.. God blessed him / us.

Me, I have actually not started working anywhere yet... this is the first time that I have not worked since I was 15 years old.
When moving time came..most everyone was in agreement that it was time for me to rest. Take a break. Be creative. Relax.
For a bit.. we thought it meant it was a time that would include babies... and we were indeed blessed for a moment in time when we discovered we were pregnant.. then found out it was twins and we saw heartbeats... but they.. like 2 other angels before them in prior years, they were not meant for this side of heaven. Our could've-beens were not meant to be. But I know where they are :)
So with the loss of the surprise twins in February...suddenly, I began to feel that I was in a land of obscurity, and in the very middle of a time of re-evaluating my identity. I no longer held a job "title".. I was not going to become a mom of twins in the fall of this year.. I simply didn't feel strong enough to fly..much less know in what direction? Suddenly.. I felt like a "whirly-bird" a sort of a spin.
Now deep down I have never doubted that God is with us and in control.. but...I have at times allowed fear to creep in and questions like.. "Is God through with me?".."What is my purpose??" and recently...these thoughts began to float around my mind..
I have been so accustom to going 110 miles an hour all of the time with a lot of expectations in my life based on a day timer.. that suddenly - things.. my flight.. it stopped on a dime- I will call it an exhausting "in limbo hover".
Please let me be clear...For this time of not working - I am VERY grateful. I am SO thankful to God for His mercy and grace.. and HIS plan. HE knew what life held in store.. HE still knows.. and HE knows best.
I am immensely grateful for this time..and have realized that it is a wonderful blessing to be a housewife. Yep.. like one of the 1950's...I've adjusted and I do thoroughly enjoy cleaning the house and having dinner cooked when the hubby gets home.. I have been given the chance to spend time with my precious niece and nephew and make memories hopefully as great as those that I have with my Aunts and Uncles....and to have time to actually BE creative!
I am just having to learn how to "not fly" all of the time. I am really great at the flitting around here and there in the blink of an eye.. but I would be lying if I didnt say that my ability to focus - has been a bit cloudy these last few months. But it IS getting clearer. I am learning Lord.. I AM LEARNING!
Did you know that a hummingbird will actually die if it doesn't stop and perch. AND.. often at goes into a deep state of rest.. called "topor" AND it has to be a strong hummingbird to survive this. (based on what I have read)..
I KNOW that this is a unique time of testing...for blessings to happen.. sometimes change this life..difficulties occur... and I am learning that I have to stop flying (keeping busy busy busy) and avoiding.. stop. perch.
Difficulties.. traumas.. challenges of life.. they must be faced and not feared..
... sometimes.. you have to go into "topor"... and  what it all boils down to..  is you must let go and let God. Life is full of ups and downs and loops and "bear-backs"... Life is beautiful and is full of joy and sorrow. This life.. it is a gift. I am learning on an entirely new level of how to just stop and look around..
admire the incredible beauty of God's creation..  reflect on and Praise God for our many blessings... and continue to TRUST.
Be still. Be Patient. (Oh patience....)
Allow God to strengthen me.
Go into "topor"
I admit this..and I have said it for a long time.. it is much easier to say "stop and let it go"... doing it yourself.. - is another thing. Letting go.. it is a faith test. It is being willing to take that step KNOWING that God will build that bridge under you..(quote from P.F.)
Hebrews 11:1.

   It seems that throughout my life.. God gifted me with the ability to listen well and I have always tried to provide good as the Spirit leads.. I strive to provide Godly advice.. but I need to take that same advice more often myself.
Thoughts.. they must be taken into captivity..The flesh must be fought. And anxiety.. well, It is NOT what God wants for me.. or you.
The truth is, God never said that this fight of faith would be easy. But it is absolutely beyond worth it.
1 Timothy 6:12

James 1:2-18

God moved us as an answer to prayer - and for His purposes.. and for training... training in TRUSTING Him and completely relying on Him and Him alone..

So this week... my eyes were opened even more by something as simple as relating to a bird...I am in a time of learning when to fly.. why to fly.. and when to go into "topor".
..  the fact is that we have migrated.. He HAS sent us out! It took a mentor in my life to also point this perspective out to me...
How many times have we prayed about Matthew 28:19-20 ( Send us Lord! Send us!
So here we are... in a different place.. we have been in transition.. and we MUST tune in to Him even more.. and completely rely on Him.. and do our best to let our lives speak of His love. We must grow in our relationship with HIM and let HIM be seen IN us.
We MUST be different from the crowd...different from the world...and HE will help us. He will help me adjust more and give me incredible peace, because I am asking HIM to. None of this is about us at all.. it is ALL about HIM and HIS plan. There is BEAUTIFUL undescribeable peace that comes with knowing you are where He wants you for HIS purposes... even when "feelings" do not always agree..

He may have us planted here from now on.. or He could be gently moving us into another area down the road... or across the country.. or even to another country all-together!? We do not know what God has in store..but we trust Him. We Praise HIM. HE IS GOOD.
No matter where we are on this earth...the fact is.. it is temporal.. Home was completely redefined when we accepted Christ...we have an eternal HOME with HIM..
I have been increasingly reminded of it even more with the circumstances of the last 6 months. As we live in this broken world.. My understanding has increased as well as being "home-sick".. Each day..I hear and read more and more about people longing for that eternal home with Christ.. In the presence of our Lord and Savior for ETERNITY. no pain.. no sorrow.. Heaven.
Reunited with those that have gone before us.
But while we are here - where-ever He has us on this earth.. it is all about His plan. His purposes. And ALL are created with purpose. ALL. 
Our job in faith -
....Love God with all of our (your) heart, soul, strength and minds. Love our (your) neighbors as yourself.  (Luke 10:27)
....Trust Him...and Praise Him in all circumstances. (1 Thes. 5:18)
....Be Still (and Listen).(Psalms 46:10)
... Be Obedient.(1 Samuel 15:22–23)
THE WORD of God is our map... it is living..  breathing!!! tells us how we are to those before us lived, strived and even died for righteousness.. and how some made horrible mistakes.. repented..and were forgiven..God KNOWS our hearts.
The Word.. The the true story of the purest love that has ever been and could ever be written. EVER.
These scriptures above are just barely brushing the surface of all that He tells us about THIS life. The journey.

Now.. to come in for the landing....
Know that I say all of this for not only myself.. but for other "birds" and you "hummingbirds"..
It isn't possible to fly in 10 different directions .. .. all of the time... (including backwards)
You must stop. rest (perch). be strong by the renewing of your mind through The Word of God.. go into "topor" BE PATIENT.

If and when you migrate.. you must get to know the area.. draw nectar from the flowers of your surroundings... and as you do this.. you too can be helping to pollinate those plants.. which leads to more beautiful life. Some plants are depending on your help.
You are where you are for God's purposes..
Maybe in your migration.. you are planted somewhere you would've never thought you would be.. and you do not know how long this part of the journey will have you there.
Or maybe.. your season of migration hasn't quite begun and you feel like you are stuck somewhere and you just want to go ANYWHERE...
maybe you are a hummingbird that does NOT migrate and you buzz around here and there with much purpose right in the area where you are...

Instead of asking why?
... what lies ahead?
.. where do we go from here?
We all should stop.. perch.. look around, ask and then LISTEN..
Lord.. show me the reasons you have me here.. use me here.
Help me to see that you have created me for just a time as this.
Help me to utilize my giftings (for me.. as a hummingbird..)
But Help me to slow down when I need to.
Help me to stop and sit.. and be still.
Help me to know what it is you want me to learn in the here and now.
Help me draw closer to you.
Help me to grow.
Help me to be strong enough for "topor" and help me to be able to go to this place of rest in you...
Help me to have the peace you give..quiet my soul Lord.. in the identity of who you created me to be in you.. to hear your voice and open my eyes to see what you want me to see and what (if anything) I am to do on this part of the journey..
the journey of life... right here.. right now. Even if it is a time of slowing down.

God is always preparing us for something.. :)  I firmly believe that He has big plans for us.. he has big plans for you!

Sometimes... you just HAVE to perch and enjoy the view... THE JOURNEY!

(and for me.. embracing that God created me as being like a Hummingbird.. it truly IS a glorious and exciting reality.. and He is helping me/ us in the different stages of flight along His path.. in life. 
Craig and I.. we are both hummingbirds.. flying together.. perching together..- and I praise God for this journey! :)

For HIS Glory -
CJ <><

Hummingbird with Blooms

This is just a few of the things I read about hummingbirds..
One of the main characteristics of the hummingbird is how the bird is constantly on the go. The hummingbird is very energetic and it can represent energy, someone constantly going and going. They symbolize energy and vigor. It more so represents hard work, then someone constantly moving. You may be a person that strives on doing a good job and getting your work done. The hummingbird can represent the accomplsihment of hard work and task.
The hummingbird is a symbolic bird and one of the most common symbolism is the ability to overcome hard times or difficult challenges. The hummingbird can represent someone that has been through a lot in their life and they continued on. Many people can relate to this and the hummingbird has became a symbol of the strong influence to rise above trouble and hardship.
Here are some interesting hummingbird facts and general information about hummingbirds.
  • Hummingbirds are the tiniest birds in the world.
  • Hummingbirds can flash their bright colors, as well as hide them when needed.
  • The bright radiant color on hummingbirds comes from iridescent coloring like on a soap bubble or prism.
  • A Gorget is the bright flashing colored feathers of the hummingbird's neck.
  • A hummingbird's brain is 4.2% of its body weight, the largest proportion in the bird kingdom.
  • Hummingbirds are very smart and they can remember every flower they have been to, and how long it will take a flower to refill.
  • Hummingbirds can hear better than humans
  • Hummingbirds can see farther than humans.
  • Hummingbirds can see ultraviolet light.
  • Hummingbirds have little to no sense of smell.
  • A hummingbird's beak is generally shaped like any other bird beak, just longer in proportion to its body.
  • The edges of the hummingbird's top beak will overlap the edges of the hummingbird's bottom beak.
  • A hummingbird's bottom beak is slightly flexible.
  • Hummingbirds do not drink though their beaks like a straw. They lap up nectar with their tongues.
  • A hummingbird's heart beats up to 1,260 times per minute.
  • A Hummingbird's heart beats about 250 times per minute at rest.
  • A hummingbird's heart is 2.5% of the total body weight.
  • A hummingbird will take about 250 breaths per minute while at rest.
  • A hummingbird's metabolism is roughly 100 times that of an elephant.
  • Hummingbirds have very weak feet and can barely walk. They prefer to fly.
  • Hummingbirds like to perch.
  • Hummingbirds spend most of their life perching.
  • The hummingbird's body temperature is around 107 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Hummingbirds are on average 8.5 centimeters long from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail.
  • A hummingbird can weigh anywhere between 2 and 20 grams.
    • A penny weighs 2.5 grams
    • 30% of a hummingbird's weight consists of flight muscles
    • Humans pectoral muscles are about 5% of body weight
  • Female hummingbirds are usually larger than male hummingbirds.
  • An average sized hummingbird will have about 940 feathers.
  • Male hummingbirds do not help raise the young.
  • Female hummingbirds do all the nest building.
  • A hummingbird baby is generally smaller than a penny.
  • Females will lay a clutch of two eggs.
  • Baby hummingbirds cannot fly.
  • Baby hummingbirds will remain in a nest for three (3) weeks.
  • Most hummingbirds die in the first year of life.
  • Hummingbirds have an average life span of about 5 years.
  • Hummingbirds can live for more than 10 years.
  • The oldest known hummingbird was a Broad-Tailed Hummingbird that was captured and tagged 12 years apart.
  • Male hummingbirds are very aggressive and will chase another male hummingbird out of its territory.
  • A hummingbird wings will beat about 70 times per second.
  • Hummingbird's wings will beat up to 200 times per second when diving.
  • Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly both forward and backwards.
  • Hummingbirds can also hover in mid-air, fly sideways and even upside-down.
  • A hummingbird can fly an average of 25-30 miles per hour.
  • A hummingbird can dive up to 60 miles per hour.
  • A hummingbird's wings will rotate in a full circle.
  • Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds have been known to travel 500 miles over the Gulf of Mexico to breeding grounds.
  • It is estimated that a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird takes about twenty (20) hours to fly across the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Some hummingbirds will travel over two-thousand (2,000) miles twice a year during migration times.
  • The Rufous Hummingbird travels the farthest north of any other hummingbird during migration. All the way from Mexico to Alaska.
  • Hummingbird DO NOT migrate on the backs of geese.
    • Geese fly on different migration paths or fly-zones than hummingbirds do.
  • Hummingbirds need to eat on average 7 times per hour for about 30-60 seconds.
  • A hummingbird can eat anywhere from half (1/2) to eight (8) times its body weight a day.
  • A hummingbird will visit an average of 1,000 flowers per day for nectar.
  • Hummingbirds eat small soft bugs for protein.
  • A hummingbird will lap up nectar at a rate of about 13 licks per second.
  • Hummingbirds can double his/her weight before migration.
  • Hummingbirds will not get addicted to a hummingbird feeder filled with nectar. The hummingbirds will leave when they need to.
  • When hummingbirds sleep at night, they go into a hibernation-like state called torpor.
  • Hummingbirds enter torpor to conserve energy.
  • When a hummingbird goes into torpor, their metabolic rate is one-fifteenth (1/15) of normal sleep.
  • Torpor can save up to 60% of a hummingbird's available energy.
  • When in torpor, and hummingbirds heart rate can drop to as few as 50 beats per minute.
  • During torpor, a hummingbird can lower the body temperature to as low as 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • When hummingbirds go into torpor, they will appear as if they are dead and have occasionally been found to be hanging upside-down.
  • It can take up to an hour for a hummingbird to fully recover from torpor.
  • Torpor can be fatal to a weak hummingbird.
  • Hummingbirds are only found naturally in the Americas.
  • Hummingbirds are found as far north as Alaska.
  • Hummingbirds are found as far south as Chile.
  • Hummingbirds are the second largest family of birds in the Western Hemisphere.
  • There are more than 300 types or species of hummingbirds.
  • Most of the types or species of hummingbirds are found in South America.
  • The county of Ecuador has the largest number of types or species of hummingbirds.
  • There are more than fifty (50) types or species of hummingbirds that breed in Mexico.
  • There are more than fifteen (15) types or species of hummingbirds that breed in the United States.
  • There are more than three (3) types or species of hummingbirds that breed in Canada.
  • Hummingbirds are all part of the Trochilidae family of birds.
  • Trochilidae is from the Greek trochilos, meaning small bird.
  • There are two sub-families of hummingbirds:
    • Typical hummingbirds
    • Hermit hummingbirds
  • Most hummingbird types or species do not migrate
  • The smallest hummingbird is the Bee Hummingbird.
  • The largest hummingbird is the Giant Hummingbird.
  • White hummingbirds (or albino hummingbirds) are not a separate hummingbird type or species. They are regular hummingbirds that never developed color in their plumage.
  • Hummingbirds don't really sing, they chirp.
  • Hummingbirds pollinate flowers by rubbing their forehead and face in each flower as they get the nectar.
  • Many plants depend on hummingbirds for pollination.
  • Hummingbirds get their name from the humming sound produced by their wings when flying.
  • Early Spanish explorers called hummingbirds flying jewels.

Hummingbirds with Iris

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

..Farther along we'll understand "why"...

Proverbs 3:5 ESV     
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

....I have been stirring over numerous things that I want to write about and share... but for today, I feel that these lyrics say enough.

Some days.. I have so many questions.. but thankfully I am at a place in my faith where there is peace in knowing that "Farther along we'll know all about it."
And in this place.. I am ok... we are ok... because we trust God and His plan for our lives...
the journey... it is the path that we desire and strive to stay on..

.. so.. click on the youtube link.. sit back and listen :)
... pay attention to the lyrics....
and cheer up my brothers and sisters and live in the SONshine!!


Farther Along - Josh Garrels (My current FAVORITE artist..)

Farther along we'll know all about it
Farther along we'll understand why
So, cheer up my brothers, live in the sunshine
We'll understand this, all by and by

Tempted and tried, I wondered why
The good man died, the bad man thrives
And Jesus cries because he loves 'em both
We're all cast-aways in need of rope
Hangin' on by the last threads of our hope
In a house of mirrors full of smoke
Confusing illusions I've seen

Where did I go wrong, I sang along
To every chorus of the song
That the devil wrote like a piper at the gates
Leading mice and men down to their fates
But some will courageously escape
The seductive voice with a heart of faith
While walkin' that line back home

So much more to life than we've been told
It's full of beauty that will unfold
And shine like you struck gold my wayward son
That deadweight burden weighs a ton
Go down into the river and let it run
Wash away all the things you've done
Forgiveness alright

Farther along we'll know all about it
Farther along we'll understand why
So, cheer up my brothers, live in the sunshine
We'll understand this, all by and by

Still I get hard pressed on every side
Between the rock and a compromise
Like the truth and pack of lies fightin' for my soul
And I've got no place left go
'Cause I got changed by what I've been shown
More glory than the world has known
Keeps me ramblin' on

Skipping like a calf loosed from its stall
I'm free to love once and for all
And even when I fall I'll get back up
For the joy that overflows my cup
Heaven filled me with more than enough
Broke down my levees and my bluffs
Let the flood wash me
And one day when the sky rolls back on us
Some rejoice and the others fuss
'Cause every knee must bow and tongue confess
That the Son of God is forever blessed
His is the kingdom, we're the guests
So put your voice up to the test
Sing Lord, come soon

Farther along we'll know all about it
Farther along we'll understand why
So, cheer up my brothers, live in the sunshine
We'll understand this, all by and by

Romans 8:28 ESV    
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.